Wednesday, March 19, 2003
I just got in from the theater. I hate sawhorses. Despise them. I like swords. I hated swords until approximately 4:41 this afternoon when I successfully ordered two from some place in Texas. The sawhorses are.. a pain in the butt.
I didn't get to see Emmy hardly ALL DAY. I am going through withdrawal. I love these plays, but whenever I am going through crucial, stressful times -- week before/week of production -- I never get to see her. Which is tragic because she releases a lot of my stress. She did come eat with me in the Hive... no, actually, she watched while I ate, but she still came. And we chatted and dropped by rehearsal real quick to see how the props were working out. It was nice to have time with just her.
I have lived in the theater. It is my world.
Dayna makes me laugh. We have the weirdest conversations online.. she brings out my hyperactivity. It's a gift.
Good night. Time to start studying.
. celebrate . `@ 2:05 AM
Monday, March 17, 2003
the stupid computer deleted my entry.
i had a good day.
that's all you need to know.
chris moran gave me a ride and that makes him really cool.
i had an iced chocolate buddha after lunch. chocolate + chai.
good night.
. celebrate . `@ 12:05 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Yesterday was a good day. Today was a day.
I went to classes and all that jazz. Quick prop shopping trip with Suzanne to look for a lantern. It escaped us.
Eight of us went to Cincinnati (or northern Kentucky.. whatever) last night to Newport on the Levee. Ben, Grace, Daron, Ashley, Jeremy, Christe, Joshua and me. It was soo much fun. I needed to get out and go, and we did. I had a grilled chicken sandwich for dinner and we all know how much i looove grilled chicken. ;) We walked over the bridge and looked at the pretty lights on the river. Hung out in Barnes and Noble. Jeremy, Josh and I read "Worst Case Scenario" books to each other. There was a lot of laughing. The boys giggled. I giggled more.
"There are fish in there." - me, referring to an aquariam. <---- brilliant statement of the night
I talked to Josh for an incredible length of time last night, and it was good. I needed that.
I hate judgments. Those piss me off faster than a lot of things. There are first impressions, and then there are rash judgments, and when people act on those and speak about those, it makes me so mad that I could scream. I'm sure when Jesus met people who were rude and arrogant, the first thing he thought was "hey, I'm going to go talk to the disciples about the attitude adjustment that person needs" or maybe he thought "there is no way that person and I are ever going to get along". Umm.. no. Maybe I'm getting on my soapbox a little too much, but it frustrates me that people can consider themselves so right about everything that they can judge a person's character within ten minutes of their first meeting.
First impressions can be wrong.
People have bad days, long days, hard days, homesick days. They have hyper days, exams,silly stories and sugar. There are so many aspects to a person's life and to make a judgment about someone the first time you meet them is arrogant.
I hate it.
That's all for the night. I need sleep.
I had a good day though. I went to the mall with my Ohio mom and sister... Emmy and her mom. We had barbecue for dinner. Helped Christe a little with her scrapbook and generally enjoyed her company (I like her a lot).
My bed is calling. Sarah.. Sarah... Sarah.
. celebrate . `@ 1:42 AM