Thursday, March 24, 2005
By the time you read this, I will be somewhere in Ohio-West Virginia-Pennsylvania-New York-Connecticut. I will be in the front seat of a light blue Mercedes with insanely tinted windows and it is highly possible that I will be asleep or laughing. Or eating. And I will definitely be happy.
Have a wonderful Easter. Please keep your eyes focused on Him this weekend.. in the excitement of Easter Sunday, don't forget Good Friday and what happened on it.
I'm off to ride my pony, hold my cats, play with my dog, cuddle the kids and cook up a storm.
. celebrate . `@ 4:02 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Forgot to mention earlier that the spring break pictures are
Krysten and I are eating penny candy and doing work. We are so productive.
. celebrate . `@ 11:03 AM
Memories of yesterday:
Easter egg hunt. 1,000 eggs. 8 DAE members. 1 Dog. Staying up to finish a Religion + Culture paper. Being unable to get the paper to print. Visiting Jeremiah for two seconds. Getting a latte to get through the day. Seeing Nathan Chandler get out of Christe's Jeep and getting big hugs. Chapel. Lunch at Chuck's.. no, wait, everything's gross. Lunch at Arby's with a DAE coupon. ABP officers' meeting. Seeing people I love in the lower level of the SSC. Watching "A Doll's House". Dinner with more people I love. Vanilla ice cream with cinnamon toast crunch. Discussions about private isses. Being calm. Cuddling. Big cookies. Not much homework. Sleeping at Janna's.
Maybe tonight Krysten and I can watch Gilmore Girls. One can only hope.
. celebrate . `@ 7:31 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Carry on, oh wayward son.. there'll be strength when you are done. Or something like that.
Boston, no one says it better. Especially when you are preparing to pull your third almost all-nighter in a week.
66 hours until I am out of here.
Meanwhile, I have found my JS dress at Von Maur. And I am purchasing it with the loving assistance of Mrs. Sowder, Suzanne and Janna. I have so many special Indiana women in my life. :)
. celebrate . `@ 12:47 AM
Monday, March 21, 2005
Today we love..
- "Interviews" to be on DAE again and getting food and chatting about life while we're in the office
- 3,000 piece mailings to alumni.. love, DAE
- Doritos + Hersheys
- Listening to Emily read children's books out loud in the alumni office
- Having finance class canceled for the next week
- Cuddling on Janna's futon
- Eating with the IPC group (Josh, Krysten, Suz, Jon and Holly) because Phipps canceled IPC
- Registering for classes and getting everything I want
- Catching up on life with Emily
- Cedarville buying Bethany and I dinner to work on the massive mailing
- Hanging out with Nate
- Laughing with Krysten.. loudly.
- Dressing to match Jon Collins
- Ordering stuff for JS
- Turning in case studies
- Not failing a Readiness Assesment (aka, "RAT") in Finance
. celebrate . `@ 3:47 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
I heart Indiana. Today I almost got a shirt from Fossil that says "Hoosier Daddy?" but it was a men's. Sigh. Suz, Janna, Jon, Nate and I are going to have so much fun this summer.
I'll give the details of the weekend later. At this point, I am preparing to pull an all nighter.
But Krysten will want to know that I got a couple pairs of pants and a new shirt this weekend. And Godiva from the boy. Yaay.
. celebrate . `@ 11:32 PM