Friday, August 27, 2004
Due to an oversight, it skipped my mind to mention that Christena Anderson and Lauren Burch are the bestest ones. And they finally live in my dorm. Yeehaw.
. celebrate . `@ 11:15 PM
The first week of classes is officially over, and it was much better than okay. I think I'm really going to enjoy these classes.. and you never know, a 4.0 could be in the works. :)
I've been playing with my puppy a lot. He's getting perpetually worn out. I went over there tonight, and he was still tired from playing and walking yesterday. We crashed in the grass in the backyard by the grape vine, stared up through the leaves and I fell asleep while he chewed on a rawhide bone. It was wonderful.
I had dinner in Chuck's with Josh and Jeremy, and we booked it over to Beavercreek to see "Collateral". It was a lot better than I thought it would be, although it was definitely more of a tlaking movie than an action movie. Don't get me wrong -- there were plenty of bloody moments. But the plot was drawn up in th dialoge, and I liked that.
I also liked the fact that I got a Jr. Chocolate Milkshake afterwards. With whipped cream and a cherry and everything. Even though I gave Jeremy the cherry.
Jeremiah Stephens and Joshua Reno are the best ones.
. celebrate . `@ 10:33 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
So.. Fall Bible Conference has been great. Dr. Brown spoke for the first couple meetings, and then this man named Tim Kimmel came today. He makes me laugh, and he's had some really good points.
Today I had to go to a leadership conference.. it made me sleepy. I met with Jillian about J/S, and I took a position helping out with it this year. I am so excited. I bounced in my chair right now just thinking about it.
I know that htis year is going to be crazy and full and frustrating and full of change, but I think I'm ready to handle it. The cool thing is that God doesn't change, so even when the situations around me seem like they're falling apart, I can be sure that
He isn't falling apart. It's so comforting. Heading into classes tomorrow, that's really what's on my heart. I know my mom promised a party for me and for Ash if we got 4.0s, but it really doesn't matter. As long as I honestly know that I did my best, and stayed focused on what was in front of me, and most importantly loved as hard as I could, then I will have done my best.
My daddy will be proud. Even more, I'll make my Heavenly Father happy.
Also, I have pretty binders for classes this year, and it makes getting up for an 8:00 AM International Business course worthwhile.
. celebrate . `@ 12:31 AM
Monday, August 23, 2004
Amazing weekend. I can't believe they're gone already. It seems like it was almost a dream. We watched "Shrek 2", ate Applebee's half priced appetizers, wandered around camps, loitered in my dorm room and cooked salmon on a camp stove in the trunk of Dave's car. I can't remember all the things we did, but images of the three adventurers will always linger in my mind.
Watching them drive away was a killer. But Emily and Katie swooped down on their way out, and took me along to Em's house. It made me smile, and they knew just what I needed.
Fall Bible Conference: Begins today. Krysten: Hottest RA Ever.
. celebrate . `@ 8:50 AM