Saturday, April 12, 2003
Today was my pretend 19th birthday. We celebrated because my real birthday is in the summer when no one is around from here to party with me. What did I do? Hmm... okay, so I had a rough calculus quiz this morning. Let's not go there. Class, class, sunny day, blah blah blah.
We left around 5:00. Emily, John, Andy, Lauren, Josh and I.. separated into John's white Blazer and Lauren's cute little red Focus named Angel. The first high point - okay, interesting point, not high point - of the evening was when John's Blazer was the unsuspecting victim of a loose semi wheel. OKAY. That's bad. There is now a rather large dent on the front right side of his hood and his headlight is broken. That was a low point in the evening.
I'm big on points tonight.
Our car went on ahead and went to the mall. Lauren and I wandered around Forever XXI while Andy and Josh went to Johnny Rocket's. We met Em and the boy there, and ate. I split fries with Lauren and it was a good time.
We wandered around Easton. Emily and I tried on matching dresses at the Gap, and Lauren got two cute shirts. We ended up in the Virgin Megastore for a while. I read a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book called
The Night of a Thousand Boyfriends or something like that. This is what my adventure ended up being like:
Some guy didn't call me so I got set up on a blind date with another guy who never showed up. So I made friends with the bartender, but then the original blind date showed up. He was a dork, but a rich dork, and we drank a lot of champagne. The hot bartender was going to help me escape the bad date when all of a sudden the Restaurant Bandits broke in. They took the hot bartender and me as hostages (I took the place of a pregnant woman) and we ended up dying.
It was sort of a tragedy.
So we went to Barnes + Noble. Lauren and I split a piece of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. It was amazing. We drank water. That was amazing too. I am so tired right now that I don't even know what's coming out of my mouth. We got Josh to read Teen People, while we shared a seventeen and an US. Poor Emily and John Mark were still dealing with the car incident.
The way home was the most amusing part of the night. Sooo.. we ended up taking two hours to get home instead of an hour, and saw most of Columbus, including the airport. I got to drive Angel. It was my pretend birthday and Emily wouldn't sing to me. But Israel did. Emily had an excuse. She dyed her hair red today -- and when I say red, I mean
red. She was still deciding if she liked it or not. I think she's decided to keep it. I hope she does. I like it.
It makes us Charlie's Angels. A brunette, a red head and a blonde. What more could a man want?
I laughed so hard I cried on the way home. We called Josh Reno three times for directions. He was soo good to us. Luckily, Lauren and I only made seventeen navigational errors, which is within the allowed limit. If we had made nineteen, it would have been very bad. We drove through downtown Columbus too, because 670 was closed. Stupid orange signs.
It was a fun night. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. There's nothing like road trips with friends. Even if it is only an hour away.
Thank you to those who made my birthday special. You know who you are. *blows kisses* Night.
. celebrate . `@ 2:11 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2003
Stupid societal ideas are making me mad.
I want to date a nice boy who lets me talk to other people when I date someone again. Lets me have deep conversations with other people. OH YES, even other boys. I am so upset right now. Not really at anyone, I just am. Maybe now is not the right time for me to talk about this.
Later I might list some of the 100 things I want to do before I die.
Or even what I need in a boyfriend.
Or maybe I will just sleep.
I am going to go wallet-shopping w/ Emily now.
. celebrate . `@ 4:01 PM
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
I am changing my template now.
. celebrate . `@ 12:56 AM
Okay, I have a little more time tonight. SO I thought I would ramble. Which isn't that hard for me to do.
Actually, if you
must know, I am doing a very good job pretending that I don't have any homework due. Which isn't that hard for me to do.
Today was another day without a performance of the play. I haven't had one since Saturday afternoon, which was our worst performance ever. Lots of tech and flying problems. But you know.. there had to be one show like that, and that one was ours. I know they'll only get better from there. Saturday night a bunch of us went out to see a movie. This is who went:
- Emily
- MmmmJohn
- Mee
- Jeremy
- Jeremy
- Josh
- Matt
- Aaron
- Mark
We had dinner in Chuck's, then hit the mall and Best Buy. And then went to see
A Man Apart. Don't see it, it sucked. I covered Joshua's eyes. I don't know if he appreciated that very much. I was just trying to help. *sigh* Sorrry Josh.
Sunday we skipped church. Heathens that we are. Actually, the entire Ohio family skipped -- all nine of us. Em and I went to her house to see her parents who just got back from California. They gave us presents! They went to a resort and were sweet enough to bring back gifts for all of us. It was fun. We all went to the Gypsy Cafe in Yellow Springs. Loooove it. Seriously loved it. I want to go again soon. Maybe I'll take my mom there when she comes to pick me up. The Stephens offered their house for her to stay in but I don't know if she'll want to impose.
Blah blah blah... ooo Emily my water. I feel like using a new design for this. Maybe I'll fool around with it tonight.
Oh! Speaking of tonight.. we had the Alpha Beta Phi banquet. A bunch of us were inducted.. Janna and I were the only two freshmen. Go us. I wore all leather except for my shirt. It was Emily's.. she is my fashion consultant and takes amazing care of me. I wish she would get back so I could talk to her. I don't know where she is. She told me to call her cell but I think she forgot that I can't use my cell right now because it's out of batteries. AND I WANT TO TALK TO HER.
I am taking a break to eat a pretzel. We now interrupt your regular blog for Sarah to have a snack. Because she can do stuff like that.
I am back. Man. That was a long pretzel break. I actually went to the Hive to get some work done. I did get some work done, and talked to Josh. Yayforfun.
this is a major crisis. i don't think you understand.
I have a bio lab due tomorrow.. maybe I'll do it in the morning. Blah blah blah again to Emily about my diet coke w/ Lemon.
I am going to go talk to fun people now. I love you all.. hugs and kisses.
. celebrate . `@ 12:20 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Okay, now I have a little more time to write. It's only 11:00 and I am in my room. I know you're all proud of me, but what can I say? It's a non-theatre evening.
Speaking of the theatre, we opened on Friday to a sold out show. It went all right. There was a power outage that gave us a little bit of a scare, but Nathan got the lights back up and running again before most of the audience even noticed that anything was wrong. What amazing sound people we had.
I went like 60 hours without sleep or something like that. Wednesday - Friday. It was good times, I tell you. There's nothing that a good Mt. Dew and giggle won't fix when you're in the state of mind. Emily stayed all night with me in the theatre on Thursday night and we had quite an amazing time. Which, if you've seen Emily and I together when it's late, you would never doubt.
Ahhh Matt called me. More later.
. celebrate . `@ 11:22 PM