Friday, May 07, 2004
Intruder... Intruder.
Hello, this is not the Sarah that you have grown to know and love.
On the contrary, dear Reader. You do not know me at all. I am but a slightly tanned and completely freckled girl, sitting in the midst of a sea of blue plush carpet. A little anxious, a little scared. I'd like to stay as incognito as possible, so I pull the brim of my black hat down a little bit more over my forehead. I really think that is what has made all the difference.
So this post is not completely irrelevant, I'll just let you know that today, Sarah, or... Pinky, as I happen to call her, is wearing blue jeans and a green polo shirt. She made me a sandwich. I ate it all, with flair, crust excluded.
We wink at each other often, hug more so than that. Conversation is peppered with giggles and the well-placed sly comment. Oh yes. So sly. She sat perched on her kitchen counter, talking to a very specific Swede, as I engaged in an elaborate performance, accented with pirouettes and tippytoes. Time is up.
As for Pinky, all I can say is this. Love her or hate her... admit it.
You're addicted.
. celebrate . `@ 9:14 PM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
I love my life. All parts of it.
I watched the series finale of "Friends" tonight; Erik was here for the first half, and then Ralph joined us at 9. I love that our group of friends IS that. We have known each other forever. We've all dated, liked each other, cried together, made cookies at 2:00 in the morning. We've seen each other graduate (well.. in a month we'll see Rachel and Dean get there), go through broken hearts, and gone to Six Flags together. Together we've done karaoke, woken up early to go to Bickford's, stayed out until 5:00 AM to go to Bickford's, and prank called Bickford's. I can go away to school for two years, and come back, and know that our love for each other stays the same.
We've bowled together, gotten dressed up for no reason, and gone out pimping. We've lingered in our pajamas until three in the afternoon, watched TV until our brains are fried, and tried to keep Ralph away from video games. Ice cream is a favorite. Friendly's. Food in general.
People have been added to our cast, and people have come in and left. There has been a Janice, been a Marcel, a duck and a chick, and a committed relationship that Ralph never knew he was getting himself into.
Erik has been working with computers the whole time, Ralph still likes to kick things and climb walls, Dean is the creative genius, Dayna the one who keeps us all in line, and Rachel the one who could kick our butts. I don't know who I am, but I know that I am loved.
There are still Spiderman references, memories of Wheel World, long talks about the meaning of life. Bible studies abound, jokes still remain, and there is one thing that keeps the six of us together.
Our bond in our Savior, Jesus. And together, we are better than any sitcom ever made.
. celebrate . `@ 11:25 PM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Yesterday was so good. I was praying in the morning that I would be able to bless my friends a little while I was home, and I tried to figure out what they would all be doing. Well, they'll all be working this week (I think). So it's "Bring Your Friends Frostys At Work" week. I brought one to Ashley and one to Erik yesterday, and today I'm hitting up Ralph, Roo, and maybe Josh. Tom and Dean and Rae and *bam* we're done.
Although Rachel is going to someone's senior banquet thingy tomorrow, which inhibits my bringing her a frosted dessert at work. Hmm.
Not ready to go back to school for May term. Ever. But if Chad and the boys come out to record, it will make the last week (ex: final exam/ 40 page paper) a lot easier to tolerate.
Bible study at Roo's yesterday. Good times. Frozen pizza. Watched "The Osbournes" and "Wildboyz" with Rachel. Maybe I'll get my hair cut today.
There's this guinea pig that sleeps on my floor right now, and he wakes me up in the middle of the night. And I have a black cocker spaniel named Omega.
. celebrate . `@ 11:24 AM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Finals are done, with the help of three all nighters. I have to quit this whole perfectionism thing.
Spent the weekend at Janna's house in Indianapolis with Ben. Janna, Dave and I went to see Lord of the Dance on Friday night in Dayton, compliments of Career Services, who wanted to reward their student fashion show producers in some way. It was incredible. The lights were amazing -- I wish Ben could have seen them, but he was busy packing up his room at school.
Saturday we went to see Mean Girls. Made chocolate covered strawberries. Watched "Newlyweds" and Carmen Electra's wedding. Janna and I decided to be plastics for the first week of school next fall. We're rock stars; we can pull it off. Wal-Mart.
Sunday we tried to get up for church, but Ben, Janna and I all ended up piled into Janna's bed and slept for a few more hours. Showers and Ben and I went back to Wal-Mart. Fried chicken for lunch, which is ironic, considering I had been craving it the night before. Dancing around the kitchen. Making dinner. Watching Phonebooth, Spellbound and Gilmore Girls.
American Idol is on tonight. I must have a tape ready.
Mrs. Smith made smoothies on Friday night when we got there. I was craving those, too. She has a way of meeting my needs.
Yesterday I spent 18 hours traveling from Indy, to Cedarville, to Jersey, back home. I miss Wonder Boy, but being with my mom and listening to Johnny Cash almost can't be beat.
. celebrate . `@ 12:30 PM