Friday, February 13, 2004
I said Brr.. it's cold in here.. I said there must be some Toros in the atmosphere..
I am so happy to be from this movie. You have no idea.
Bring It On!
. celebrate . `@ 12:33 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2004
The conversations we have in our room.
"I've only kissed one boy! How do you do that?" -
Katie, in response to Em and I talking about kissing
"They're called NCMOs, Katie." -
*Katie gives blank look*
"Non-Committal MakeOuts." -
"Ooo! I want to do that!!!" -
Back to Season 1 of "Friends". I'm craving Wendy's. It's beautiful outside.
. celebrate . `@ 3:23 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
It's always a party in my room. I danced for Katie. It's like nothing you've ever seen before, trust me. Katie just turned on her hair dryer by stepping on it. It was quite the scene. She jumped high and I giggled.
So tonight we had the world's longest STP rehearsal, but we watched the pretend power point twice and Janna cried. It was beautiful. I just can't fathom the amount of children that have been lost to abortion. I want to rescue them all and hug them all and show them all the love that they didn't get to receive here on earth. I know God has a plan for everything, and that we can trust Him and His will, but it's so hard for me to see His will in all of this. (That sounds like a line from the STP. Maybe it is. Maybe it's soaking into my mind.) I can't understand how all of these dying babies can bring Him glory. Then I have to remember that it's not my job to understand God, and if I could, then He wouldn't be God.
With that said, I have homework. Night.
. celebrate . `@ 12:38 AM