Friday, November 19, 2004
Last weekend was so good that I can hardly wait for this one.
I woke up early in the morning (without my roommate around. sigh.) to run a cue-to-cue at 7:45. It was the funnest one ever. But not really. I came back to my room and got ready to go over to John Bryan with Jeremy to watch BP run. But BP ran too late for me to see him, so Jere and I got breakfast at Main Street Station instead.
And I ate a full meal for the first time in four years.
On Saturday night, Christe, Jeremy, Josh and I had dinner and went to see "Cellular". I loved it. Everyone should see it.
On Sunday, I slept in and did some work around the room, then went with Janna to Aimee's house for lunch with the girls. Homemade spaghetti sauce and garlic bread.. it was amazing.
This was production week for the show, also known as hell week. It has been a bad one. But tonight was opening night. Becky was rocking the light board, Ben had one hand on sound and one on my computer to run the projector, and I called all 300 cues with only one mistake. The cast was beautiful. The set was beautiful. The director and various others were beautiful.
I came back and went to the RD's apartment with Krysten and Mary to get peppermint ice cream and coffee. I laughed a lot in Mary's room, and now I should be asleep. But I can't. So I'll take a shower and next time, I will have more interesting things to say.
I'm just not that fascinating at 2:00 in the morning.
. celebrate . `@ 2:13 AM
(Back) Christen, Bekah, Aimee, me, Crystal, Janna (Front) Sara, Lindsey, Libby
. celebrate . `@ 2:12 AM
T.C. He's a big cat.
. celebrate . `@ 2:11 AM
Bekah (Assistant Stage Manager), Becky (Shop Fore/Lighting Designer/Everything Else), Sue (Set Designer) and Crystal (House Manager/Generally Cool Person) at the build on Saturday
. celebrate . `@ 2:11 AM