Friday, June 11, 2004
It's my 20th birthday. More on that later.
I love love love my job. I am so tired that I can't move at the end of the day, but it's such a great place to be a witness. My boss is really patient with me. I have learned how to use courier machines and fax machines in funky new ways, and yesterday I attempted invoicing (Mike helped me).
So about my birthday.. the five day celebration began at midnight. :D I'm enjoying it so far. Ben talked me during my last few minutes as a teenager, and Dayna was the first person to call (at 12:05 AM). I am so blessed.
But more than my birthday, I am off the wall about going to Ohio tonight. Tonight. I can't believe I can finally say that. I've been counting the hours since Ben left, and now it's 12 hours until I leave, 15 until I see him. Whoop whoop.
In other news, I babysat last night for Aaron Passaretti, and he did not die, despite the fact that he had an extremely high temperature. In fact, we had a lovely time.
. celebrate . `@ 7:48 AM
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Ashley and I have decided to stop wasting energy on people who feed off drama. We'll tell them "Save the drama for your mama". You know the type. The ones who have to start a ruckus when things are nice and peaceful, whose lives are always the source of their conversations. Or maybe they're the kind of dramatic people who have 'given up on life' -their lives 'always suck' and they are 'misunderstood' by everyone. Maybe they're not misunderstood. Maybe people just see them the way that they are, and they can't handle it.
Second day at work. I'm not sure if I'm happy I took this job yet or not. My fingers are smudged from inkpads and carbon, but I know where all the Dover files go, and which ones are international and domestic, and what to do with invoices, and where the envelopes are, goshdarnit.
My lunch breaks are quiet. I miss school, where lunch was always an adventure. We all had special days to eat together, certain times, and Ben would sometimes make me food or pick it from somewhere and we would have picnics. Here, I eat in my cubicle because the guys downstairs by the cafeteria are scary. Maybe tomorrow I will be brave enough to confront the company lunch place.
The department I'm in is having a baby shower next Friday for the secretary. I'm excited. I love babies, even though I try to avoid baby showers as much as possible.
For those of you who have inquired regarding Ben's whereabouts - he is in Ohio for the summer. He has an internship. He is far away, and I miss him, but I get to see him in 82 hours. I refer to it as 3.5 days because that sounds much shorter. We are going to Matt's wedding and maybe the museum and I will get to see my brother and hug him as hard as I want.
Jeremiah is my brother, for those of you who are unaware. I talked to him on the phone last night for 41 minutes, and now I am even more excited about the wedding.
Ben called me to celebrate my lunch break. So goodbye.
. celebrate . `@ 12:19 PM
Sunday, June 06, 2004
He's gone, and the house seems a lot emptier. Although that could be because my sisters, brother, niece, nephew and father are gone, too.
But it is Ben that makes the biggest impression on me. It's Ben who lets me read my papers and speeches to him. It is Ben who drives me to CVS in the middle of a party to get medicine. It is Ben who puts up with my older sister interrogating him and small children climbing all over his lap.
Ben talks me to sleep every night, answers the phone the same way every time I call and lets me be me. It is Ben's hair that I play with constantly, his truck that I drive around campus, and his house that I am already beginning to decorate.
Ben buys me things when I insist that I
need them, laughs at my jokes and pushes me to overcome my fear of gas stations. Ben is tough with me, and amazingly gentle with me at the same time. Ben makes me eat food that I don't want to try, drive fast through the rain, and cause trouble when no one is watching.
Being away from him for two months will be hard. Leaving him next week when I go visit for the weekend will be even harder. But when we're together again, God will have used our time apart to bless us and our relationship, and I am so so so excited about that.
But right now, I'm mostly just missing him.
. celebrate . `@ 2:07 PM