Saturday, December 13, 2003
His test went fine, by the way.
Thanks for asking.
Yes, I made it through everything.
I won't thank you for that.
And when I laugh tomorrow and tape my fingers together when wrapping presents and make cookies for my father and ride my pony, I won't think about you.
Because I'm tired of thinking about you and worrying about you and caring about you.
It gives me a headache.
I met an 8 year old girl named Kyra on my flight today. We played with our seats and tray tables, and a dime rolled along the floor. I didn't bother picking it up.
There are much better things going on. Too good to be worrying about a dime.
Or you.
. celebrate . `@ 1:53 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
I shall call him Ralphie and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Ralphie.
I don't want you to go away because when I'm with you, it feels like home. When I'm with you, I remember. And I don't want you to go away. I don't want to forget.
Someone was talking today about how he wants a girl with inner beauty. And I was thinking how much I desire a man who's strong, someone who has a solid relationship with Christ and how attractive that makes guys. I wonder if they know that.
Then I remembered how beautiful and strong my God is, and it made sense that godly men are so attractive.
I think I passed my tests. Three to go.
. celebrate . `@ 9:45 PM