Thursday, June 05, 2003
I am restless. The rain has settled into my bones, and made me like it - always moving, wiggling, dripping energy. I need the sun to come and dry me out.
I watched "My Best Friend's Wedding" with Liz this afternoon. By the time we finished it, the sun was shining. But I wasn't outside enough in the walk from her house to mine to thaw. That's a funny word - "thaw". Just look at it for a while and you'll see what I mean.
Oooo "All American Rejects" is on the radio. I'm obsessed with their CD. Speaking of which, I never made a list of the things I am obsessed with. But see, that's only a current obsessio, so I don't know if it would make the list or not. Time will tell.
Quote of the Day:"Did you think that I would cry on the phone? Do you know what it feels like being alone? I'll find someone new." -
I'm working on my book again. I sort of add a few sentences or paragraphs through the day when I feel like it. I don't have enough time right now to sit down and just hack away at it. Besides, I have too much else to do this summer. I have quite a large list of things I want to accomplish. Trust me, I'll get it all done. I'm like a power list maker. :) And I get a high off of crossing things from my list. I'mafreak.
Tonight I'm going over to Ashley's house so she can practice doing my hair for Saturday. This is going to be a crazybusy weekend. I'm barely going to get to talk to Emily and Matt and all those people that I love talking to because they make me happy even though they live a zillion miles away. I start teaching again on Saturday *happy squeals* and there's prom and the Fine Arts Festival and church and more work on Sunday and ((sigh)) I'm so incredibly deeply happy right now. I could blow kisses to everyone tonight -- except those I don't want to blow kisses to. Oh well, you know who you are, so if you see a loose kiss blowing your way, do me a favor and duck. ;) Ooo I'm fresh tonight. Good byee ya'll. *kisses to the world*
. celebrate . `@ 6:06 PM
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Today was a fun fun fun day. Jessica, my old roommate, and her boyfriend Matt came down to hang out with me .We went shopping. Jess and I tried on all kinds of clothes, and Matt was helpful. He's a good boyfriend. I bought a couple shirts and some makeup. Jessie and I were going to do those glamour shots, but couldn't find the store. Stupid directory. We swung by the Purificatos' because Jess wanted to meet Ralph, and I wanted them to meet him because he's so cooool. They didn't get to see anyone else except for Rae because we were running short on time. We picked Rachel up and went to Chili's for dinner.
I ate so much food.
We had two appetizers, entrees and dessert. It was amazing. Jess sucked down her entire burger. It was HUUUGE. We were all extremely impressed. Matt discovered that I am perfect for his friend John, so I wrote John a love letter. Imagine me writing a love letter to someone I've never met. I'm sure you can imagine how interesting it was. It included the words "Hey, I'm a fun person", "burp" and "preacher's son".
And I AM a fun person, gosh darn it.
I watched "Fame" tonight. I am getting too fracking good at picking the winners. Maybe I should be on there. Maybe NOT.
I have another job.. I'm teaching horseback riding lessons again. That makes me really, reeeally happy. I've missed it so much. I'm back at Level Acres. POW.
I think I shall go to bed now. Matthew is supposed to call tonight after his class, and I got an IM from Jooooosh Reno. That was exciting. Wow, I had a fabulous day. I hope you all did, too. God Bless. *blows kisses*
. celebrate . `@ 10:55 PM
Monday, June 02, 2003
Lalalalalalala. I am singing to myself again. This time it's "Pickup Man" by Alan Jackson. Oh yes, classic country. Good times. I'm not so quiet about it either. hehehee
I played with my horse today. I'm really out of it tonight. I don't think I'm going to have much to say. We had Bible study tonight and a bunch of us went to Wendy's later. Dayna bought me a salad cause she's the coolest ever. I love Wendy's salad. Erik's not a big fan.
I am a big fan.
Blaah blaaah I'm talking to Jeremy Stephens (note the PH -- not Jeremy SteVens) online. We are whining about missing Josh and Lauren. It's nice to have someone you can whine to.
My sister ran out of gas!!!! Ahhhhh. I would get so scared. Good for her for being the brave and strong one. Even if someone **cougherikcoughcough** broke her arm.
I think I'm going to go watch my MTV. Good niiiight.
I love people who make me laugh.
. celebrate . `@ 11:00 PM
Sunday, June 01, 2003
Okay, so it's been a while. Sue me. The "Real World" marathon is on, and thus consumes great, large amounts of my time.
It's been a good weekend. I went to Haylee and Nolan's dance recital with Rachel and Heather yesterday afternoon. They're cute.
Things On My Mind
1. I feel sick to my stomach. Ew.
2. Ashley went milk shopping with me tonight after we left the apartment. I like her.
3. My toenails are very red.
4. Adrian is a cool boy.
5. Church today was good. I like the nursery. Women's fellowship tonight put me in a better mood.
6. I need to watch "Tommy Boy" more often.
7. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
8. I miss jdr and my sweetness and fluffernutter.
9. I want to blow kisses to those in Ohio - the ones Adrian calls "my own kind". Whatever the sanoozit that means.
*hugs to all those who I haven't hugged today - that I want to hug - you know who you are and who you aren't ;)*
. celebrate . `@ 11:59 PM