Friday, February 11, 2005
I'm sitting in the computer lab in Milner; this building is almost as comfortable to me as Alford or the theatre are. The joys of being a business major.
And I am in the process of dropping Physical Science, because come on. My mind doesn't work like that. Earth science is for me. My mother agrees. I've never been so frrustrated in a class that I just walked out. Which I did about half an hour ago. I promptly walked over to the SSC, visited my friends in Academic Services, e-mailed all appropriate parties, and called Nate so that he could remind me later about how frustrated I was. He's so good to me.
I'm so excited about this weekend.. Amber's rehearsal/rehearsal dinner/bachelorette party tonight, and the wedding tomorrow. Valentine's Day celebration with Nate on Sunday. "Hitch" on Valentine's Day -- we've been waiting for that movie forever, haven't we, Jere?
"The Grudge" is out on video, and when I saw it at Family Video on Tuesday night, I jumped.
I'm off to take a Finance test. Wish me luck. One week from tomorrow I'll be in Manhattan. Eating with my madre and padre at Carmine's in Midtown with Jere's family and the boys. I can't wait.
Just have to make it until then. Party on.
P.S. Isn't my roommate the hottest one? She's an award holder for Elliv. That has to mean something.
. celebrate . `@ 12:45 PM
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
At Nate's. Cameron's feet while he plays the piano.
. celebrate . `@ 11:14 PM
Little boy feet time. Brendon's shoe at the bowling alley on Friday night. He wasn't in the mood to have someone else tie his shoes.
. celebrate . `@ 11:13 PM
Monday, February 07, 2005
Mmm.. back from Indy. Amazing weekend.
And my boys won the Bowl. What else can I ask for?
Watch out for the bandwagon riders who will love the Pats because they win. And those bitter people who will hate them because they win. Haters, they gonna hate.
And that's just life. I'm off to work, go to Professional Development, pick up cookie dough and watch "The Bachelorette" with Nate, Brandon and Janna. It's been such a good day. Shopping and shopping for clothes to wear to Amber's wedding. I ended up with this little black Gap dress.. so cute. Amber's getting married soon!! FIVE DAYS. And I'm in it. So hot. So hot.
. celebrate . `@ 5:33 PM