Wednesday, June 29, 2005
The rain was coming in my windows today because there was a monsoon on the south side. Some nice man ran out and rolled them up for me.
A little old woman could barely see over my desk. She smiled and said that I must be in love because I was glowing so brightly in the rain. I told her she was right.
Wedding shots can be viewed
here. Check 'er out, kiddos.
Ashley leaves for the DR tomorrow. Prayers to be said. Boy to be called.
. celebrate . `@ 11:06 PM
Sunday, June 26, 2005 worked Saturday morning so i can take Thursday afternoon off
- got my hair cut
- ate Chinese that Nate brought me from the good place in Brownsburg
- watched "You've Got Mail" with the aforementioned boyfriend
- cooked tacos, wearing the Suzanne Somers apron
- got smushed in the face with a basketball
- talked to Mrs. Sowder for an hour with Nate, laughing so hard
- went to Barnes & Noble for some browsing and Starbucks
- fell asleep watching "Chocolat" with Nate and the Sowders
- woke up to talk to Nate until ungodly hours of the morning
- went to Chapel Rock with Nate for church
- hauled off to the lake to meet up with the Boltzes + Jon
- floated on inner tubes
- got seaweed in my face
- got pushed off the boat into the water
- cruised the lake for an hour on the pontoon boat
- ate too much
- got into fake fights with Nate in which we end up laughing and ruining it
- had one of those deep mother-daughter conversations Mom and I do so well
Time for bed.. work comes early.
Lovelove to my Connecticut kids.
. celebrate . `@ 10:49 PM