Friday, October 03, 2003
I am in the computer lab talking to Sammy (Rachel). I miss her desperately right now, and can't wait to come home. But guess what?
Jesse comes today.
I am excited and I have law in 1 minute. So now I am leaving.
. celebrate . `@ 12:59 PM
Wrote this yesterday. It's a little late.
So it's definitely been a week. I have grown more in this week than I have in the past month. I feel like a different person than I was last Thursday. Maybe I am.
Yesterday was Josh Reno's birthday.
Happy 20th, Josh Reno. Jeremiah, Matt and I took him Chinese food because he had to work last night. I got beef with broccoli, and sometimes took a bite of Jeremy's spiced chicken. I ate way too much simply because I love Chinese.
We went to the driving range. I had never been to a driving range before. I sliced it. Jeremiah and Matt didn't make fun of me, which was one of the conditions of my going. But still.. they didn't tease me too much.
I was putting a ball on the tee, and the wind was ruffling my hair, singing in my ponytail. It was chilly, and I could have been cold, but I had Jeremy's sweatshirt on. It was a little big on me, and held body heat well. People walked by laughing, and I could smell fall in the air. And I was so content. It was one of those moments that you feel like God has made just for you, and you don't know how to share it with someone else. So often you don't.
One time I did.
Last summer, when Josh and I were in the Dominican Republic (this being 2002, not 2003), I was walking back with him from Bon, a cup of ice cream in my hands. The heat of the city was reflected off of the pavement onto my bare legs, and there was laughter behind me. Josh and I had been discussing something - perhaps our day spent at separate work sites, perhaps the fact that our friends back home had just been involved in a police chase. There was a brief, peaceful pause in our conversation, and I took in the flourescent color of the house in front of me.
I can remember vividly looking up at him, and saying "You know those times when you're completely happy? And you don't need anything else? You don't need anything different?"
He smiled, and said "Yeah."
"This is one of those times."
"I know what you mean."
And we fell into quietness again, surrounded by the furious noise of La Romana. And I was so content.
. celebrate . `@ 12:58 PM