Thursday, October 09, 2003
I'm in the computer lab surrounded by people and talking to Jeremy online. Printing off reams of paper. Probably killing the environment again.
Today we did Song of Solomon in OT. He spent like seven minutes on it and I was disappointed. I mean come on. There's so many possibilities to that.
2 days and FIF is mine. Thanks to Alison.
I don't really know what I feel like writing, so I'm just sort of typing the randomness that comes into my head. Which is a scary thought in itself.
Jesse weekend = good. I am now the proud owner of a huge stuffed Pluto and an even bigger AF sweatshirt. Chandler won his soccer game (I totally recommend seven year old soccer -- soo entertaining) and Switchfoot was... amazing. Right there. In the DMC. Jesse and I sat with Sarah and Rachel. Sarah and I screamed at random moments. Once I screamed when no one else was. It was too much fun. I signed out to Suz and Paul's house both nights (because they are so good to me) and Jesse and I got to stay up late and just talk. Emily and John Mark came over on Saturday night, too, which made me happy. I feel like I never see her anymore and that makes me sad. It's like I either get to see her all the time, or not at all. And right now, with the play and homework and everything, our schedules are making it so it's not at all. Anyway, Jesse and I went to Fulmer and got supplies and I made brownies and chocolate chip cookies. I had cravings, okay?
My RD gave me a room fine today when I was asleep. I would protest but it's so not worth it.
I ate lunch for almost three hours -- first with Jeremy Stevens, then with Josh, Jeremiah and Matt. I drank lots of iced coffee and avoided the boy who smiles at me when I'm loud. I ran into him four times today, and when I went to get cereal -- there he was. So I got a banana instead.
I have a History of Civ test on Friday. I'm going to fail. I say that all the time.
Last night I was in the theatre until this morning. I painted wood trim and had dance parties. Oh, and Amber Mack and I sang our working girl song. "Hey ho. Hey ho. It's off to work I go. Get off my corner, you've got to go. Hey ho." She wrote it.
I think I should go study. It is, after all, what I am here to do.
That and spice up this campus a little. Maybe I'll skip all the way back to Willetts.
That is SUCH a good idea.
. celebrate . `@ 3:51 PM