Friday, December 24, 2004
I can't believe it's Christmas Eve already.. this week has gone by so quickly. One week ago today I was sludging my way through a WV Development final.
In updated news, I got my scholarships reinstated because my GPA is high again. God is so good.
This week has been full of much relaxing, visiting, laughter, movies, snow and Snow. Dayna and I have been attached at the hip, and gotten so incredibly creative that you wouldn't believe it.
I haven't done any of my wrapping yet.. um. Oops. Sometime today between two Christmas parties, last minute errands and the Christmas Eve service, I will have to find time to get it done.
I refuse to become one of those people that the holiday stresses out. Which is why I did 90% of my shopping the day after Thansgiving. And if I have to wrap everything in newspaper, so be it.
Everyone I'm giving gifts to already loves me anyway. Pretty paper won't change a thing.
I'm off with Dave to the Passaretti's party. After that - whirlwind day. I hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas Eve.
. celebrate . `@ 1:04 PM